Wrap Around Care

We provide wrap-around care from 7.45am to 5.30pm every day, where children are looked after in a safe and caring environment.  By offering this flexibility we want to help parents juggle their work and home life commitments knowing their children are happy and well cared for.  We also offer holiday camps run by our superb team of staff. We hope that by extending our care into the holidays we are able to help parents to manage the holiday/work dynamics knowing their child is engaging in lots of fun activities within a familiar environment.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club runs from 7.45 – 8.30am in the Dining Hall.  Children will be provided with breakfast including cereal, toast, yoghurt and fresh fruit with water, milk or juice to drink.  Bookings should be made via the details provided  by the office.

After School Care

Children are able to attend After School Care, which is run by our staff from 4.00pm until 5.30pm.

Bookings for After School Care should be made by phoning the main school phone number and selecting option 2 or by emailing office@richardpate.co.uk. Please book no later than 12 noon on the day in question.  If you find you no longer require an After School Care booking you have made (e.g. your child may be involved in sports matches and you want to collect afterwards), please cancel the place or you will be charged for it and may deny another child from having a place.  Please cancel by 12 noon on the day in question.  You can either leave a message or drop an email to office@richardpate.co.uk

After 5.30pm the children will go to the main Reception area where they will be looked after by a member of the Senior Leadership Team.  Any parent collecting after 5.40pm will be charged a late pick up fee.  If any parent collects beyond 5.40pm on three occasions their child will be denied entry to ASC for six weeks.  We strongly encourage all parents to make alternative arrangements for those nights when you simply cannot make it School by 5.30pm.  We do understand that emergencies arise and we will be sympathetic in those circumstances.  We do advise parents to have another contact (family friend or relative) on hand should such an emergency arise. The contact number should you be delayed is the Nursery: 01242 531472.

Holiday Camps

Our holiday camps are run by our Head of EYFS and Nursery Manager, Mrs Hunte. For further information, please email Mrs Hunte: phunte@richardpate.co.uk


Little Explorers: Saturday 29th March 2025

Saturday 29th March 2025

1.30 – 3pm

A chance to stay, play and explore our wonderful woodland.

For children aged 4-5.  Every child must be accompanied by an adult.

To register your interest, please call 01242 522086 or email office@richardpate.co.uk