The Richard Pate School Parent Teacher Association

Who are we?

The Richard Pate School PTA is a group of parents and teachers who commit to giving a few hours each term, to add a little extra to school life.

We run like many other similar groups and have the traditional roles of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Officer but what makes us different is that we are fun, proactive and benefit from a mixture of long term members with lots of experience as well as lots of new ones with fresh ideas! We also benefit hugely from working closely with the staff at school.

The parents at our school bring a wealth of diverse ideas, skills and resources which we hope to draw upon to enhance life inside and outside the classroom. Our group also brings an enthusiastic approach to further enhancing what is already a superb learning environment. We aim to be a positive focal point which helps to unite our school’s community and promote the feeling of “family” that is RPS.

How we work

We work together as a team united in providing fun events for the children and social events for the parents.

We have good communication between us and parents with at least one PTA member in each classroom. We meet one evening every term in the library (or pub!) to discuss what’s ahead and to review events. Additional sub meetings are often required for smaller event teams, who are running the bigger events, but these do not involve everyone.

We aim to communicate with all parents via class reps, newsletters and by working closely with school to ensure everyone knows what we have planned and what help is needed.

Once a year we have an Autumn annual meeting, when we discuss the year ahead, evaluate the previous year and allocate funds available. This is always a great meeting as there is nothing more rewarding than being able to commit to funding things for the children.

The events

The events are spread throughout the year. Some have become annual regulars, others novel one-offs. Some are solely social, and others are designed to raise funds. Our intention is that all the events are enjoyed by the school as a whole. Fundraising takes many forms, from selling ice lollies after school on Fridays during the Summer Term to hosting a Summer Ball every other June.

We hope to keep the events alive, fresh and enjoyable. Our success to date has been through the support, hard work and feedback of both the parents and teachers. Past event templates are available for those hoping to plan and run events in the future but we also enjoy trying something new every year. It is important to keep our ideas fresh and exciting and we warmly welcome any suggestions for new fundraising opportunities.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

The Second Hand Uniform Shop is run by parents, and is open regularly throughout the term. Uniform stalls are also run at the Christmas and Summer Fairs.

The funds raised by the PTA

The PTA supports the school by raising funds each year. These are used to buy a variety of items to enhance the school provisions. Each year we buy and decorate Christmas trees for the school and run the Christmas lunch. We hold school discos for our Juniors and also a fun filled early evening event for the Prep children. We pay for leavers’ books for the Year 6 children who are leaving the school, and we provide every Nursery and Reception child with a water bottle. In recent times we have helped to purchase a new minibus, an all-weather canopy for the Prep playground and we are proud to be able to pay for year groups to visit either the pantomime, the Science Festival or the Literature Festival every year. We have in the past, provided a mobile climbing wall for all year groups to enjoy and this was in support of a P.E. Curriculum Focus that the school had devised for the term. These are just a few examples of things that the funds we raise help to pay for. We hope as time goes on that we will continue to successfully add more to this list.

The RPS PTA committee is a fully inclusive group, and we warmly invite and welcome all parents to come and get involved, as much or as little as you like. It’s also a great way to meet other parents and to have an input into what’s going on. We enjoy a social around Christmas every year and being part of the team is a great opportunity to not only make new friends but have a say in things that could benefit your child(ren).

Each and every event’s success relies on the support of the parent network. Everyone really pulls together. Help is always needed before, during and after each event and is sought by the event teams.

It is also essential that we know what you think. What works, what doesn’t? We need your new ideas. We don’t need lots of your time, we just need you! All parents can play an important role in the broader life of the school, so please support us in any way you can.

If you are interested in joining the PTA or if you have any other questions relating to what we do, please email

Little Explorers: Saturday 29th March 2025

Saturday 29th March 2025

1.30 – 3pm

A chance to stay, play and explore our wonderful woodland.

For children aged 4-5.  Every child must be accompanied by an adult.

To register your interest, please call 01242 522086 or email