The Year 5 trip to the Commandery links to the Year 5 History work on the Stuarts. The Commandery in Worcester was used as the Royalist headquarters during the Battle of Worcester in 1651. This was the final battle of the English Civil War fought between parliament and Charles Stuart son of the recently executed King Charles I. The children took part in three different activities. They became History detectives as they were whisked back in time on a tour of the Commandery learning more about the English Civil war; the Battle of Worcester; the escape of Charles Stuart and some of the exciting and spooky tales from the Commandery. They learned more about weapons and armour from the Civil War and were able to safely handle some of these. They were enlisted into the army taking part in pike drills and they even learned how to fire a cannon! (a pretend one of course!) The children also learned more about life for the people and soldiers at the time such as the clothes they wore, food they ate and the type of medical care they would have received. The fun day was topped off by a visit to the shop.