Term Dates




AUTUMN 1 Starts: Wednesday 4th September (Full day)
Ends:  Friday 18th October (Full day)
Half term Saturday 19th October to Sunday 3rd November inclusive
AUTUMN  2 Starts: Monday 4th November (Full day)
Ends:  Wednesday 18th December (½ day)



SPRING 1 Starts: Wednesday 8th January (Full day)
Ends:  Friday 14th February (Full day)
Half term Saturday 15th February to Sunday 23rd February inclusive
SPRING 2 Starts: Monday 24th February (Full day)
Ends:  Wednesday 2nd April (½ day)


SUMMER 1 Starts: Thursday 24th April (Full day)
MAY  DAY Monday 5th May
Ends:  Friday 23rd May (Full day)
Half term Saturday 24th May to Sunday 1st June inclusive
SUMMER  2 Starts: Monday 2nd June (Full day)
Ends:  Friday 11th  July (½ day)

Parents are respectfully reminded that children should not be taken out of school during term time and that family holidays should coincide with holiday dates.

Little Explorers: Saturday 29th March 2025

Saturday 29th March 2025

1.30 – 3pm

A chance to stay, play and explore our wonderful woodland.

For children aged 4-5.  Every child must be accompanied by an adult.

To register your interest, please call 01242 522086 or email office@richardpate.co.uk