
Mr R. MacDonald

M.Ed., B.A., (St. Mary’s University, Canada)

Mrs J. Miller-Howell

Deputy Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead
B.Ed. (Hons) (Bristol University)

Mr P. Lowe

Deputy Head
B.A. (Hons) Warwick; PGCE (Brighton)

Miss K. West

Head of Prep/ Nursery
B.Ed., (Hons) (Chelt & Glos College of H.E)

Mrs P. Hunte

Head of EYFS / Nursery Manager/ Designated Safeguarding Lead EYFS/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs R. Norris

Assistant Head of Prep
BA (Hons) (University of Gloucestershire), P.G.C.E. (University of Gloucestershire)

Mr P. Chesworth

Co-curricular/Curriculum Lead
B.A. (Hons) Southampton; PGCE (Exeter)


Mrs S. Argyrou, M.A. (Hons.), P.G.C.E. (Chelt. & Glos. College. of H.E.)

Mrs L. Birks, BEd (Hons) (Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education)

Mrs R. Cox, B.Ed. (Hons) (Westminster College, Oxford)

Miss L. Crompton, B.A (Leicester Polytechnic), P.G.C.E. (University of London)

Miss E. Cupper, BEd (Hons) University of Gloucestershire

Mr P. Edwards, B.Ed. (Hons) Chelt. & Glos. Coll. of HE

Ms Z Ellis, BSc (University of Hertfordshire), P.G.C.E. (Southampton University)

Mrs S. Fletcher, BSc (University of the West of England), PGCE (University of Greenwich)

Mr J. Foster, Level 1 Certificate in Coaching Hockey

Mrs K. Garvey, BA (Hons) (Nottingham Trent University)

Mrs C. Kirby, MA (University of St. Andrews), PGCE (University of Gloucestershire)

Mr L. Kitchen, B.Sc. (Hons) (State University of New York), Grad. Teacher Programme 

Mrs H. Knight, B.A (University of Wales), P.G.C.E. (University of Exeter)

Mrs C. Lewis, B.Ed. (Hons) (Goldsmiths College, London)

Mrs P. Lewis, B.Ed. (Hons) (Westminster College, Oxford)

Mrs L. Lowe, B.A (Hons) (University of Exeter), P.G.C.E. (Brighton University)

Mrs H. Pearce, B.Ed. (University of Gloucestershire) – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs L. Thomas, B.A (University of West of England)

Mrs B. Thurston, B.A (Hons) (University of Nottingham), P.G.C.E (Edgehill University)

Mrs R. Tomkins, B.Ed. Primary (Hons) (University of Glos.)

Mrs J. Upton, B.Ed. (Hons) (Council for National Academic Awards Brighton)

Mrs K. Wilcox, B. Ed. (Hons) (University of Glos.)


Teaching Assistants

Mrs C. Angrave, Level 3 Diploma in Specialist Support for Teaching and Learning in Schools

Mrs S. Cann, Bachelor of Nursing (Bendigo La Trobe University)

Mrs E. Fisher, NNEB, Cert Early Yrs. Ed. (Chelt. & Glos. Coll. of H.E.)

Miss K. Gould, Diploma in Nursery Nursing

Mrs M. Hannam, NVQ Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools

Mrs C. Holt, NNEB

Mrs V. James, NNEB

Mrs U. Kotecha, NVQ Level 3 Teaching Assistant

Mrs K. MacDonald, Certificate of Higher Education (Primary Education) (University of Gloucestershire)

Mrs C. Markham, Level 6 Playwork Leadership & Management, Diploma (Level 3) in Playwork/Child Protection Awareness

Mr G. Pound, B.Sc. (Hons.) (University of London), P.G.C.E. (Goldsmiths’ College, London)

Mrs S. Rowe, NVQ Level 3 Teaching Assistant

Mrs N. Warner, BTec Nat. Dip. In Childhood Studies  

Miss G. Williams, Cert. Childcare Ed; BTec Nat. Dip. in Early Years, Early Years (Level 4), Deputy Nursery Manager



Lunchtime Playground and After School Care Supervisors

Mrs R. Cowling

Mrs L. Hill

Ms K. Jones

Mrs E. Ortiz-Stephens

Mrs S. Preece

Mrs L. Roberts

Mrs S. Samways (After School Care)

Miss J. Smith

Mrs J. Winnett



Visiting Peripatetic Teachers

Mrs A. Board (Piano)

Miss W. Burden (Singing)

Mrs N. Hopkins (Suzuki flute)

Mrs D. Kingswood (Suzuki violin)

Mr D. Lewis (Guitar)

Mr P.  Richards (Brass)

Mrs J. Sanderson (Piano)

Mrs J. Turner (Drama)


Visiting Peripatetic Dance Teachers

Mrs W. Finch, Principal of the Patricia Newman School of Dancing

Mrs S. Hepburn, ISTD Associate Member

Miss L Isherwood, ISTD Associate Member


Mrs C. Hayman   Head’s PA/School Administrator

Mrs V. Compton Head of Marketing and Communications

Mr M. Scarborough IT Network Assistant Manager

Mrs S. Thornton Administrative Assistant


Mrs L. Cox Bursar

Mrs S. Bodman Finance Officer

Mrs A. Wray Bursary Administrator

Catering Manager

Mrs L. James

Cleaning Manager

Mrs C. Partridge

Site Manager

Mr T. Beckwith


Mr P. Rushworth

Little Explorers: Saturday 29th March 2025

Saturday 29th March 2025

1.30 – 3pm

A chance to stay, play and explore our wonderful woodland.

For children aged 4-5.  Every child must be accompanied by an adult.

To register your interest, please call 01242 522086 or email